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Bridges Road Bridge Over I-385 To Close for Repairs Starting June 3

By May 19, 2023May 23rd, 2023No Comments

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) will close the Bridges Road bridge over I-385 in Greenville County starting on Saturday, June 3 to resurface the existing bridge deck. The closure is expected to last for approximately 45 days. During that time, I-385 ramps will remain open to allow access onto and off of Bridges Road, but through traffic will be required to utilize detours via East Butler Road and Holland Road as shown on the map below.

“I’m thrilled that SCDOT is moving forward with this resurfacing project, which will improve quality of life for our residents and accommodate continued growth in our City,” said Mayor Terry Merritt. “This has been a long time coming, and I’m grateful to Senator Ross Turner, Representatives Bruce Bannister and David Vaughan, and former Representative Garry Smith for their help in keeping this project in front of SCDOT to ensure these repairs get made.”

The East Butler Road/Holland Road detour is approximately 3 miles long and will be in place until the completion of the bridge work. Motorists are asked to plan accordingly and allow extra time for the detour.


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