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Mauldin Named Among Safest Cities by Safewise

By March 21, 2019No Comments

Mauldin was listed on SafeWise’s top twenty safest cities in South Carolina for 2019. South Carolina’s safest cities blow away the state’s overall violent crime rate of 6.14 (compared to 4.49 nationally). Each of the cities that made the list boasts a violent crime rate of fewer than 3.5 incidents per 1,000 people.

These cities also get high marks for property crime, with 60% limiting incidents to fewer than 24 per 1,000 people. That beats both the state and national property crime rates of 42.06 and 27.11, respectively.

Mauldin ranked as the thirteenth safest city in South Carolina. With a population of more than 25,000 residents, Mauldin saw a violent crime rate of 2.55 per 1,000 people, and a property crime rate of 16.02 per 1,000 people.

Seventy percent of the cities made the list for the second time—with the top two (Isle of Palms and Tega Cay) holding onto their spots for the second consecutive year. Isle of Palms reported zero violent crimes for the second year in a row. Eighty-five percent of the cities had fewer than 75 total violent crimes, and only four reported any counts of murder—which is impressive given that populations in these cities range from around 4,000 to more than 135,000 residents. Statewide, property crime is the top safety concern, with fourteen percent of participants in SafeWise’s State of Safety survey experiencing a property crime in the past year. Break-ins are the biggest property crime concern, but burglary makes up just twelve percent of the property crimes committed among the safest cities. Larceny-theft was the most-reported property crime, contributing eighty-one percent of the total property crimes reported.

You can read the entire list over at

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