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Mayor's OfficeNews

Coffee Talk with the Mayor Event Series

By February 12, 2020February 13th, 2020No Comments

Mauldin Mayor Terry Merritt has launched and will be hosting a Coffee Talk with the Mayor Event Series, commencing Friday, February 21, 2020. City residents and businesses are invited to attend the monthly events for a casual conversation over coffee to ask questions and discuss City issues.

“I made a commitment to the City’s residents and businesses to increase transparency and accountability of City government. This event series supports the City’s ongoing efforts to engage, and connect with, the community,” said Mayor Merritt.

In addition to Mayor Merritt, members of City Council, and the City’s leadership team may attend the events to interact with members of the community as well. “Connecting directly with our residents and businesses provides the City’s leadership with different perspectives from those we serve that can assist the Council in making better policy decisions,” said Mayor Merritt.

The events will be held from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and have been scheduled through the end of 2020. The events will be advertised on the City’s website and social media platforms to maintain public awareness of the event locations.

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