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Public Invited to Transit Feasibility Workshop

By March 29, 2018June 28th, 2018No Comments

A study of the feasibility of automated transit networks (ATN) with ultralight GreenPod vehicles to improve mobility and reduce congestion is being conducted in Greenville, Mauldin, and Clemson. Funding is through the Greenville-Pickens Area Transportation Study with a Unified Planning Work Program grant from the Federal Transit Administration, and matching funding from Greenville County and the Cities of Greenville, Mauldin, and Clemson. GreenPods are small, driverless vehicles that operate on dedicated guideways. Because the guideways are separated (usually by elevating them) from other traffic and pedestrians, they increase safety by reducing accidents and relieve congestion by removing passengers from roadways, GreenPods provide convenient quick trips independent of road congestion. Secure, comfortable GreenPods travel non-stop on mainline guideways with numerous stations on offline sidings.

The study will also investigate the use of gondolas for direct access between points separated by obstacles such as lakes or steep terrain. In addition, the use of autonomous shuttles and taxis will be considered to supplement the GreenPods.

The public is welcome to attend this public workshop to inform the study and gather feedback on Thursday, March 29th, from 6:00-8:30 pm at the Mauldin Cultural Center at 101 E. Butler Road.

Those interested in attending this workshop can RSVP online.

Contact: Fred Payne
Carolinas Alliance 4 Innovation

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