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Mauldin Police Department Keeps CALEA Standards

By April 30, 2018June 28th, 2018No Comments

The Mauldin Police Department will continue to retain their CALEA Accreditation, marking the third time the department has obtained this prestigious award. The Mauldin Police Department first attained this achievement in March of 2012.

CALEA Accreditation, which may remain in effect for up to four years, serves as the International Gold Standard for Public Safety Agencies. The process of CALEA Accreditation begins with a rigorous self-assessment, requiring review of policies, practices, and processes against internationally accepted public safety standards. This is followed with an assessment by independent assessors with significant public safety experience. Additionally, public feedback is received to promote community trust and engagement, and structured interviews are conducted with select capacities. The decision to accredit is rendered by a governing body of twenty-one Commissioners following a public hearing and review of all reporting documentation.

In addition to symbolizing a significant professional accomplishment, this accreditation is also a demarcation for the agency to remain in compliance with CALEA standards. To this end, the agency must remit annual status reports to document its progression of continuous organizational improvement.

CALEA standards require an agency to develop a comprehensive, uniform set of written directives, one of the most successful methods for reaching administrative and operational goals while also providing direction to personnel. These standards also require having a preparedness program in place, providing a means for developing or improving upon the agency’s relationship with the community, and strengthened accountability.

“Our citizens are well served because our police department values professionalism enough to commit to operating under the high, professional standards required by CALEA,” said City Administrator Trey Eubanks.  “My challenge to [the Mauldin Police Department] is to continue operating under these high standards and maintain CALEA Accreditation. Count on my continued support.”

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