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Mauldin Nationally Recognized as One of the Fastest-Growing Cities That’s Still Affordable for Homebuyers

By September 16, 2020No Comments

Mauldin has been nationally recognized by LendEDU as one of the fastest-growing U.S. cities that is still affordable for homebuyers.

Licensing the most up-to-date data for over 25,000 cities, LendEDU first found the 1,000 U.S. cities that are projected to grow the fastest over the next five years. They then ranked those 1,000 cities according to each one’s median monthly home cost, which includes mortgage payments plus utilities. These two aspects make these cities, including Mauldin, terrific locations to purchase a home, start a family, and eventually turn a profit on when it’s time to sell.

Specifically, Mauldin is projected to grow by 11.80% over the next five years and the median monthly home cost in Mauldin is $1,190, which means it’s still very affordable despite its trendiness on the real estate market.

These figures ranked Mauldin 146 of 1,000 in the entire country, and 15 out of 36 cities that made the list in the state of South Carolina.

The full report is available here.

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