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Mayor's OfficeNews

Mauldin Mayor Signs Emergency Declaration

By March 24, 2020No Comments

Mayor Terry Merritt has signed an emergency ordinance to initiate specific actions in response to COVID-19. The emergency declaration gives the Mayor and City Administrator operational authority to adequately respond to an existing or anticipated emergency situation. 

Council’s approval of the emergency ordinance enables the Mayor and Councilmembers to remotely participate in voting and operational procedures during Council meetings. Additionally, the ordinance waives any late fees associated with City business license permits and hospitality and accommodations taxes due to the City through May 23, and allows for the Mayor to establish a daily curfew. If established, the curfew would not apply to those traveling for work or for medical treatment.

“The health and well-being of the Mauldin community is of upmost importance. City Council is working with the City staff to make sure that essential services continue, and to provide relief to local businesses during this time,” said the Mayor.

The City is operating under conditions as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All essential City services, including Police, Fire and Public Works, are continuing uninterrupted.

“I encourage everyone to take the threat of COVID-19 seriously. Now is not the time to panic, rather you should adhere to the mandates of the Governor, the actions suggested by the President, and the guidelines provided by SCDHEC and the CDC,” said the Mayor. 

The emergency ordinance is effective March 23, 2020, and is scheduled to automatically expire after 61 days.

Download the full press release and ordinance here.

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