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Mauldin Listed among Safest Cities in SC

By March 12, 2018June 28th, 2018No Comments

Mauldin was listed among the safest cities in South Carolina on two separate lists.

According to the Greenville News, Mauldin was one of four cities in Greenville County were ranked among the top 20 “Safest Cities in South Carolina” by the National Council for Home Safety and Security, a home security trade association. Mauldin was named fifth overall on the list.

“You commit a crime in Mauldin, you’re probably going to get caught,” Mauldin Mayor Dennis Raines told the Greenville News. “They catch you pretty quickly, they don’t beat around the bush.”

He credited the city’s “safety conscious community,” the thoroughness of the Police Department’s detectives and the police force overall for the high ranking.

“We’ve got a great team, I’ll put them up against anybody,” Raines said.

Meanwhile, Mauldin was also listed on’s list of safest South Carolina cities. All twenty of the safest cities listed in the report fell below the national average of violent crime. To identify the twenty safest cities in South Carolina, reviewed the 2016 FBI crime report statistics and population data. Cities that fell below identified population thresholds or that failed to submit a complete crime report to the FBI were excluded from the ranking system.

Read the full article by the Greenville News. See the National Council for Home Safety and Security’s list or check out’s list.

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