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Final Public Notice: FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant

By March 20, 2020No Comments

The City of Mauldin has applied for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funding through the South Carolina Emergency Management Agency (SCEM), as a sub-recipient.

Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), federal actions must be reviewed and evaluated for feasible alternatives and for social, economic, historic, environmental, legal and safety considerations.  Under Executive Order (EO) 11988 and EO 11990, FEMA is required to consider alternatives to and to provide a public notice of any proposed actions in or affecting floodplains, or wetlands.  EO 12898 also requires FEMA to provide the opportunity for public participation in the planning process and to consider potential impacts to minority and low-income populations.  This notice may also fulfill requirements under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

Funding for the proposed project will be conditional upon compliance with all applicable federal, tribal, state, and local laws, regulations, floodplain standards, permit requirements and conditions.

Applicant: City of Mauldin

Project Title: City of Mauldin, SC (Acquisition and Demolition)

Location of Proposed Work:

            Name of Structure: See table

Address of Structure: See Table, City of Mauldin, South Carolina

A map showing the location of all properties is available by contacting Van Broad, Community Development Director City of Mauldin: at or 864-444-7990.


Facility Address Latitude Longitude Date of Construction
City of Mauldin 206 Libby Lane 34.788944 -82.292825 1971


Special Flood Hazard Area Zone: This project is for acquisition and demolitions of a housing structure located in flood zone AE Zone.  Confirmation of location was made by reference to the latest FEMA Flood Panel Map, Panel 45045C0416E Dated: 8/18/2014 (206 Libby Lane).  The proposed work conforms to all applicable State of South Carolina and local floodplain regulations.  The proposed work will be for demolition on previously disturbed ground of building structures and will have no effect on the local floodplain.  The action will be mitigated by acquiring and demolishing a housing structure.  The project shall provide protection against a 100 year-storm event.

Proposed Work and Purpose:

The City of Mauldin proposed project is for mitigation activity to reduce repetitive damage of property, prevent losses of life and reduce the financial impact caused by flooding.  The acquisition and demolition of said property will completely mitigate the flood risk to this property as it will no longer be there, and the land that is left will be designated green space.  The purpose of this project is to create opportunities to develop open space for recreation, environmental protection and educational purposes.

Project Alternatives:

Alternative #1 (no action alternative): If no action is taken to protect this building and the public from these flooding events, it will increase the danger of impacts from severe flooding.  Taking no action leaves the property at certain risk of future loss claims due to flooding.

Alternative #2: Elevating would eliminate risks to property; however, residents could still be trapped by rapidly rising waters. Acquisition and demolition offer complete protection from flood risk and promotes open space use. Multiple other homes have already been removed around subject home.

Alternative #3: Relocation option of this property would be too costly. Acquisition and demolition offer a more cost-efficient method of protecting property from rising flood water due to severe flooding.

Comment Period:

Comments are solicited from the public; local state or federal agencies; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of the proposed project.  The comments should be made in writing and addressed to; City of Mauldin; 5 East Butler Road, Mauldin SC, 29662.  All comments are due within 15 days of this notice.  The City of Mauldin will forward comments to applicable regulatory agencies as needed.

Interested persons may submit comments, obtain more detailed information about the proposed action, or request a copy of the findings by contacting:

Van Broad
Community Development Director
City of Mauldin
PO Box 249
Mauldin, SC 29662

Posted: March 20, 2020

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