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2019 Mauldin Public Art Trail Selection Process Now Open, Call to South Carolina Artists

By February 11, 2019No Comments

The City of Mauldin’s Office of Cultural Affairs announces the opening of the RFP portion of the selection process for the 2019 Mauldin Public Art Trail installation at the Mauldin Cultural Center. This annual program seeks to beautify the community with public art displays created by South Carolina artists for years to come.

This year’s theme, “Youth: Passion for Change,” has been selected as we recognize the youth as our future. Today’s generation yields a strong passion for social change across various areas of politics. Submissions should reflect the theme “Youth: Passion for Change” from the artist’s perspective.

The Public Art Trail lines the perimeter of the outdoor amphitheater at the Mauldin Cultural Center. A new work will be commissioned each year to fill the nine (9) pre-approved sites along the perimeter. All nine sites will be filled within ten years. For each year after the first ten years, the oldest artwork will be replaced, resulting in a new slate of nine pieces of artwork every ten years. Retired artworks will be relocated to other areas around the community.

The City has opened up a Request for Proposals on its website for interested artists. Artists, and all members of their team if applicable, must be residents of South Carolina during the duration of the project. The deadline for submission is March 18, 2019. The selection committee will choose two (2) finalists who will then be asked to develop conceptual designs. The final artist will be selected late April and must aim for a project completion date no later than mid-December 2019. Total budget for the annual program is not to exceed $15,000 and must be inclusive of fabrication, artist fees, and installation.

The RFP and application are available online at Contact the Office of Cultural Affairs at (864) 335-4862 with any questions.

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