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- Host an Event
Planning an event in Mauldin and want to host it at a City facility, public park or green space? The City has a variety of beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces to choose from. Read below to learn about the process.

- An application must be submitted to host events such as parades, walks, road races, demonstrations, protests, fairs, festivals, fundraisers, public gatherings, concerts, performances, etc.
- The application must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days prior to your event start date.
- Your application must be approved for your event to take place.
- Applicable permit fees and rental rates may apply to your event.
- Submitting an application does not ensure that you have booked services. To arrange services (i.e. securing trash receptacles, hiring security, closing streets, etc.), please contact the respective City of Mauldin Department.
- Events where alcohol will be sold or consumed must comply with the City of Mauldin’s Alcohol Policy (more below).
- Submission does not guarantee approval. The acceptance of your event application is at the sole discretion of the City of Mauldin.

Read each description below to determine who you should contact for the space you’d like to reserve.
For information about hosting an event at a public park, sports field, shelter, or pavilion, please contact:
Jessica Butler, Recreation
Email | 864.335.4860
For information about hosting an event at the Mauldin Cultural Center, Mauldin Outdoor Amphitheater, or Mauldin Veterans Memorial, please contact:
Christine Faust, Mauldin Cultural Center
Email | 864.335.4862
For information about hosting an event at the other City-owned and non-City-owned property, please contact:
Julie Patton, Business License Facilitator
Email | 864.404.3293
Park Facility Rental Inquiries
Follow the link to inquire about renting a park facility. Mauldin Recreation Staff will contact you to confirm after you have submitted your information.
For events held on public property, you are required to obtain liability insurance that names you and the City of Mauldin as co-insured. This policy can be obtained through a private broker, or through the GatherGuard website, as detailed below.
The City of Mauldin offers optional liability insurance for those utilizing public property for a special event. GatherGuard is a low-cost insurance policy that protects both the “tenant user” and the City of Mauldin. You may purchase this one-time, event-specific insurance online by following the directions below.
Insurance must be obtained before a special events application is approved. You can submit your application before you purchase insurance, but it will not be approved until proof of insurance is received.
For questions or assistance, please call the contact associated with your desired space.
Instructions for purchasing insurance through TULIP:
- Verify your event details including dates, times, type of event, expected attendance, etc.
- Visit this website: https://gatherguard.com/
- Click “Get A Quote” and select “Search For a Venue.” Type in the facility you want to rent (i.e. Mauldin Cultural Center, Mauldin Senior Center, Mauldin Sports Center, etc.)
- Proceed to fill out the form with event details.
- You will be given a quote for your event insurance. You may then decide whether or not to purchase the policy through the website, or at this point you can also opt to reach out to a private broker on your own for additional quotes (although GatherGuard is almost always cheaper).
- Proceed to purchase the insurance, following the instructions on the website. After you are done, print out your confirmation and attach it to your Special Events Application for submission.

Alcohol service is permitted on City property, but only with the approval of an Alcohol Request Form and compliance with the City’s Alcohol Policy. Click the links below to read the Policy and download the Request Form. Be sure to contact the appropriate venue and/or City Department before submitting your request.
Requests must be made no fewer than ten (10) days before the date of the event. Submission does not guarantee approval. You must submit the request to the department that oversees the property on which you wish to host your event.
Most events much purchase Liability Insurance and name the City of Mauldin as co-insured. If your event is required to purchase an insurance policy, follow the steps above to purchase from our TULIP program. Class II, Class III, and Class IV events are required to purchase a policy, while Class I events may be required depending on the nature of the event (see the Alcohol Policy to determine which class your event falls under).
Download a Special Event Application here:
Applications may be mailed to:
City of Mauldin – Special Events
PO Box 249
Mauldin, SC 29662
For questions regarding the event application process or to submit your application via email, please select the proper City contact:
For information about hosting an event on City-owned Cultural Property:
Christine Faust, Mauldin Cultural Center
Email | 864.335.4862
For information about hosting an event on City-owned Recreation Property:
Jessica Butler, Recreation
Email | 864.335.4860
For information about hosting an event on other City-owned and non-City-owned Property:
Julie Patton, Business License Facilitator
Email | 864.404.3293
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