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Mauldin Listed Among 2018’s Best Places to Live in SC for Families

By August 17, 2018No Comments

South Carolina, also known as the Palmetto State, is one of 14 states that border the Atlantic Ocean. It has a rich history as one of the original 13 colonies and a site of important battles during the Civil War.

South Carolina isn’t one of the biggest states economy-wise. It ranks 26th out of the 50 states by GDP. But it is doing fairly well, as its unemployment rate of 4% is right in line with the national average. The housing market is healthy, too. Home values have increased 7.2% in the past year and are projected to rise another 6% in the next year.

South Carolina has plenty of attractions to interest families, too. There’s plenty of coastline and beaches to enjoy. History buffs will like Charleston’s historical district, including Fort Sumter, where the first battle of the Civil War took place.

But some places in South Carolina are more attractive to settle down in than others. In order to figure out the most family-friendly sites, WalletHub compared more than 50 cities across 21 key metrics. The data set ranges from number of attractions to median family income to the quality of the school system. Mauldin scored overall 4th in the state, with a total score of 69.78. Read below for how Mauldin scored in individual categories, or visit WalletHub to see the full list of cities.

Raising a Family in Mauldin (1=Best; 25=Avg.)

  • 7th – Median Family Income (Adjusted for Cost of Living)
  • 8th – Quality of School System
  • 15th – High School Graduation Rate
  • 5th – Violent-Crime Rate
  • 1st – Housing Affordability
  • 4th – % of Families Living Below Poverty Level
  • 4th – Unemployment Rate
  • 12th – Divorce Rate
  • 4th – Property-Crime Rate per Capita
  • 10th – Share of Households Receiving Food Stamps
  • 4th – Wealth Gap

Read the full article on WalletHub.

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